Wrinkle facial mask with strawberry

Hello, dear readers. Must be the fruit of summer season by taking them all in favor, this situation is just eating. Vitamins nature gave each strawberry, talented facial skin many benefits. This scented strawberry mask you need to prepare for that. It will take some time training, the result will be better, more means that will store. Personally, I love strawberry mask for the skin, they nourish, cool, refreshing, helps to moisturize the skin, in the solution of many problems.

Strawberry face — use fragrant strawberries

Then work the skin velvety strawberry mask fed, natural vitamins.

  • Fruits are rich in vitamin A include anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.
  • Folic acid creates film, capable of sensitive skin protection exposure to the ultraviolet rays in the summer, it is very true in warmer months.
  • Vitamin C, anti-aging, break down cells.
  • The biotin in strawberries delivers them.
  • Calcium and potassium.

This strawberry "vitamin Fee" for our skin, due to its composition, such masks are capable of quickly and effectively repair dry skin to deal with many problems.


On your face care in the summer months it is quite simple, warm enough strawberries to choose from, preferably their own vegetable garden. Applied regularly, the mask will make the skin firmer, vitamins to nourish. Need an opportunity to indulge in the pleasure of fresh strawberries in winter because natural facial care won't.

Which will be beneficial to the skin in a mask of strawberry

Array of care we are providing is used in the cells of the skin fresh strawberries:

  • to numb the skin;
  • dry (natural moisturizer);
  • fat (strawberry pore);
  • normal and mixed (feeder cells);
  • dirty (cleaning effect);
  • problematic (strawberry prevents black dots).

Strawberry mask capable of outputting pigment spots, improve skin. The only ones who need such care as open wounds to give up this fruit intolerance face.

Easy enough to check whether it is appropriate to apply the mask to her wrist, in any case, if within five minutes, any response, is applied to her face in a safe way.

Strawberry face mask anti-aging

Like eating natural food and with the addition of an ordinary mask with the strawberry cream.

Mask strawberries and cheese

You need the grind puree 4 large strawberries send, into 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, 1 teaspoon butter, or olive oil and add flax seed mix suitable.

Strawberry-cottage cheese mask

You can change the sour cream, he put the desire. For more impact, add a mask prepared and a few drops of vitamins A, E.

Shake all the components before homogeneity, why a mask cleansed face, eye area, and on, and through, after 15 minutes rinse with warm water.

This recipe is perfect for night use, to achieve the effect of skin rejuvenation, the necessary mask three times a week.

I need to eat, prior to the application directly. Her to the store in the refrigerator is not recommended.

Creamy strawberry with a mask

This second type of masks, facial rejuvenation. A little easier to cook, that the appropriate ones tolerate the smell of milk and milk products.

Grind the slurry as required 3 — 4 strawberries, add them a teaspoon of cream. Mix the components and apply to your face. After 10 minutes wash it hot water.

With cherry and strawberry mask

Such a mix will give you a skin that reveals berry.

You must eat 8 strawberries and cherry puree mask ягодной grind (pre-pulling of bone).

Add half a teaspoon of or vegetable oil, aloe juice and honey. Mix everything, apply it on your face mask is ready. Rinse off after 20 minutes using cool water.

Face mask, sour cream, and strawberries

This recipe will make your skin firmer, refreshed skin and reduces inflammation. Going to be a regular practice appropriate for exfoliating mask effect rejuvenation.

Squeeze 1 teaspoon of strawberry juice. To suppress it, the strawberries with a fork, then squeeze to mash this gauze.

A small Cup and mix a teaspoon of sweet almond oil, starch, cream and fruit juice. Homogeneity and mix all components previously cleansed face why.

After 20 minutes wash the mask with lukewarm water or tea to keep brewing. After that rinse your skin with warm water rinse.

This recipe is appropriate for women with dry or numb the skin with the mask.

Wrinkle facial mask with strawberry

Smooth fine wrinkles, a mask with the addition of talented strawberries flour: rice, flax seeds, or oatmeal.

The main rule if you must grind the flour yourself using a coffee grinder. In this case, no foreign matter in it.

7 Medium strawberries, 1 teaspoon of the mask needed to make any selected un. Разминается strawberry using a fork, whisk all ingredients.

If too thick, dilute Yesil strong Tea, you want that cool.

Applied on the skin face and neck mask, old, 20 minutes. Grain instead of potatoes, parsley, strawberries, buckthorn.

If you add lemon juice or aloe vera mask, then you will have a whitening effect. To reduce the time to 10 minutes.

Strawberry acne mask

Problematic skin can be treated natural public way, you don't have to spend money on advertising and expensive tool.


Mask strawberries make a positive impact care for a young skin. It helps to cope in this advanced age, rash on face.

Then you need to apply a mask test of the wrist to protect themselves against an unexpected skin rash or itching.

Various masks strawberry acne.

Honey, egg whites and strawberries

Grind half a cup of puree add strawberries, two squirrels, and a tablespoon of honey. Mix mix, apply face, 15 minutes twice a day.

Such a It is only necessary to mask the ripe fruit. The components that are included will be removed rashes, the skin will calm.

You can use this recipe as a compress. After mixing, apply the mask to your face two times, avoiding eye area.

Cover it with gauze and pre-carved holes for eyes, nose, mouth and eyes. On your face be better to keep in a horizontal position, 15 minutes.

At the end of this period wash off with warm water. 3 times a week will not be shown to compress the condition of the skin, not just damp, but it happens and reduce acne.

Strawberries, brandy

To do this recipe the skin moisturized and staves off the infection. 3 Mash strawberries with a fork, add a tablespoon of cognac.

Apply the prepared mixture to your face, avoiding the eye area, let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Mask for dry skin strawberry strawberry

Dry skin "to make happy" masks with the addition of more fatty substances.

Such a composition, with nourishing and moisturizing effect. In summer beauty treatments based on fruit, tools, home prepared, to restore the moisture balance in the skin cells that will help you.

Strawberry mask it is advised to do regularly, this fruit throughout the season, but at the most three times a week.

Care mask for dry skin that help provide nutrients, potatoes, and strawberries. Prepare only necessary to boil a potato tuber and mash them thoroughly.

Add milk and strawberries will be enough, 6 large strawberries. The resulting mass strike on the face area, and let stand for 20 minutes. A homemade mask to clean, just rinse with warm water.

A mask that will help moisturize dry skin with the addition of strawberry and cream. 4 ripe strawberries should prepare him for pure slurry, C cream, 2 tsp.

If you can do a mask very runny consistency, add a teaspoon to oatmeal that are allowed. Why natural mask to your face for 15 minutes. After this time, a homemade mask, rinse with warm water.

Strawberry mask for oily skin

Oily skin, strawberry quick, "why order", since it contains helps promote and contraction of the components. Applied regular masks and skin will look matte and a shimmery shine it gives the strawberries will go.

To clean the strawberries with tomato mask

The components to produce a peeling effect this mask is a refreshing face, deep-cleans the pores.

Is required for cooking meat (without skin) a single ripe tomatoes and the same amount of strawberries. Mix components thoroughly pre перетертые bind a suitable volume cap.


To keep a clean face and apply the mask obtained, for 15 minutes. From time to time will pass away under warm water home remedy.

Mask of strawberry and the addition of egg whites

This tool will help to collapse the pores and cleans the skin with radiance. For dinner that strawberry mask, and 3 strawberries to the mix of pre-scrambled egg whites.

Under the skin type to clean the face using an appropriate tools. Apply the mask, without affecting the eye area, leave for 15 minutes. Then completely wash and warm water.

Strawberry mask for normal skin

Normal skin a person's daily care needs: nutrition, deep cleanses, and moisturizes. These tasks head mask, such as berries, to add various different effects you can get from natural components.

The lucky ones, the normal skin, without problems worth does not mean you have to give up some masks. Throughout the following recipes to preserve and younger facial appearance.

Basic mask with strawberries

This is the most simple maintenance that provide berries. You need 2-3 strawberries cut into слайсы, then on top of them face.

Use a fork to mash a little the same principle slurry. Leave on your face after 15 minutes rinse it with cold water. During this time, the natural mask will help the skin moist, clean face and narrows pores.

Strawberries and yogurt mask

Two tablespoons of yogurt to the skin will be ягодам amount is added to a nourishing action.

May have to give a density by adding half a teaspoon of potato starch. The components of such a mask, mix thoroughly and apply to your face, after 15 minutes, using water to clean it.

Strawberries and honey mask

A mixture of components, such as baked, fresh skin has a shiny appearance and a feeder, eliminating the impact of action "tension" after the removal of makeup or wash face with sparkling.

Apply this mask in the evening, preferably after you wipe your face. 3 Large strawberries pure for her to promote a teaspoon of oil (olive or flax seed) and honey.

Mix the components, ready to apply face mask. To keep on the skin for 20 minutes, carefully wash and rinse off with normal water.